For any man, a very important indicator of the health of the reproductive system is potency, because without it it is impossible to lead a quality sexual life and continue with his family in the future. But it's getting harder and harder to maintain male power every year. With age, the erection weakens, it becomes especially noticeable after 45-50 years. Also, the duration of sexual intercourse is noticeably reduced due to the negative impact of psychological overload and stress on the body. As a result of such changes, men's health is in decline, which can only make the patient feel inferior.
At the moment, there are many drugs for the treatment of such disorders. And how effective are herbs for increasing potency in men? We propose to consider this issue in more detail.
Why are plants used for impotence?
Healing herbs are used by many members of the stronger sex to enhance sexual activity. Such alternative medicines have a completely natural composition and perfectly help to restore lost male power. To eliminate such problems, they have been used since ancient times, but in the modern world, medicinal plants have been actively used to increase potency only since the end of the 20th century.
The use of medicinal herbs to strengthen men's health is due to the exceptional benefits that these funds have on the patient's body. They contain a large number of useful and environmentally friendly components. This explains the absence of side effects and allergic manifestations after the use of such drugs. Plants that enhance the sexual activity of a man have several advantages at once:

- An excellent result: Comparing the potency of medicinal herbs with ordinary pills, it is noted that the effectiveness of drug therapy is not very high. The intake of such drugs has an effect only as long as the therapeutic agent enters the patient's body daily. But if useful plants are used for this purpose, the result is preserved for a long time. Male power returns quickly enough. Problems such as low sexual desire, erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation disappear. At the same time, men are advised to give up bad habits and normalize their diet.
- Profitability - it is not difficult to buy such a drug. Various healing fees and herbs for increasing potency are sold in every pharmacy. At a price, such a remedy remains affordable for absolutely anyone.
- No adverse reactions: the use of natural remedies will protect the patient from the appearance of various allergic manifestations. If undesirable consequences develop during herbal treatment, they are always minor and easily removed. Often this phenomenon becomes a consequence of improper or too long intake of these drugs. And potency pills have a number of side effects, their use has a negative effect on the general health and well-being of a person.
List of useful herbs that improve sexual activity.
For the action of medicinal infusions and decoctions to be effective, it is necessary to consume them regularly for a certain time. If the systematic intake of folk remedies is violated, this negatively affects the overall result of treatment. There are various herbs for potency, they can be used both individually and in the form of medicinal fees. Usually dried vegetable raw materials are used to prepare the recipe. Constant use of such drugs will relieve erection problems and other similar disorders and make your sexual life complete.
So what herbs increase potency in men? The following is a list of the most popular plants that improve sexual activity in the stronger sex.
healing ginger
This alternative medicine is very often recommended to patients to improve sexual function. In the people, this plant is called the "fruit of love", and this is not a mere coincidence. Ginger is so effective in solving potency problems that it is even compared to the popular Viagra in terms of its potency. The beneficial effect of this remedy extends not only to the patient's reproductive system, but also to all other organs. The drug stimulates the immune system due to the vitamins and other healing components contained in its composition.

The positive effect of ginger on male potency is achieved by activating blood circulation in the genitals, enriching the body with essential oils and amino acids. It is used both fresh and dried or pickled. Special teas and decoctions are prepared from the plant. If you like, you can simply dissolve small pieces of ginger in your mouth.
Exceptional properties of parsley and celery
For men's health, such well-known folk remedies as parsley and celery rhizome are simply indispensable. They are used to increase sexual libido even by many women. Useful vegetables should be added to ready-made dishes and salads, since it is better to use such herbs to increase sexual activity fresh.
Thanks to the constant intake of these medicinal plants, erection problems disappear in a man, the quality and duration of sexual intercourse improves.
Esparcet and its effectiveness
The use of sainfoin also has an excellent effect on male power. The tool increases the production of testosterone, normalizes the hormonal balance in the body, stimulates the prostate gland, improves the quality of sexual life. This herb allows you to increase potency in just 1-2 weeks of use.

The patient will feel the healing effect of such medicine instantly. Increased secretion of androgen hormones and activation of spermatogenesis increase sexual desire and strengthen erection. To prepare the product, you need to buy sainfoin at the pharmacy. A useful decoction is prepared from the plant, for this purpose 1 tbsp. a tablespoon of dry raw materials is poured into 1 cup of boiled water. Then the container with the contents is put on fire and boiled for 5-10 minutes. The decoction is infused for 7-10 hours, after which it can be used for its intended purpose. It is recommended to drink about 50 ml of the drug 2 times a day (breakfast and lunch), and the rest of the remedy is taken at night.
How will Dubrovnik help with impotence?
In medicine, the excellent anti-inflammatory properties of this plant are widely known. But few people know that this herb is perfect for enhancing the potency of the stronger sex. The tool has an expanding effect on the vessels throughout the body, while blood circulation in the penis also increases. The effectiveness of the drug has been proven: after 3-4 weeks of constant use, sexual function is almost completely restored.
Dubrovnik grass for potency is very popular among men - doctors recommend using it during the treatment of pathologies of the urinary tract and prostatitis. The most famous way to use this plant is in medicinal infusion. Preparing it is quite simple: 1-2 tbsp. Spoons of dry raw materials are combined with 250 ml of boiling water. The tincture should be left for 2-3 hours, then strain and drink 1 teaspoon 3-4 times a day. The drug is used after a meal for a period of no more than 3-4 weeks. Then it is recommended to take a break. Dubrovnik herb in the form of an infusion should be stored in the refrigerator for up to 2 days.
Wild oats to improve potency
The use of oatmeal has a good effect on male potency. The grains of this plant contain a large number of useful components: vitamins, phospholipids and amino acids, which eliminate sexual dysfunction. These substances have a calming effect on the nerve centers of the body. This leads to a gradual restoration of the body's general sensitivity, especially after numerous stressful situations and experiences.

Decoctions made from wild oats increase sexual desire, energize the body and significantly prolong the sexual act. It is necessary to take the remedy for the purpose of increasing potency for a long time - from 3 to 5 months. The use of common oatmeal will also bring great benefits to men's health.
Oregano herb, good or bad?
This plant is popularly called "forest mint". And all because oregano has similar properties: it has a long and pronounced calming effect. Such a herb for potency helps to establish a man's sexual activity, saving him from the negative effects of stress. It is often used even for toothache or headache.
To increase sexual function, usually only stems and inflorescences of oregano are used close to the ground. It is from these components that various drugs are subsequently prepared. Often, decoctions of medicinal herbs are taken as tea by patients suffering from potency problems. The main rule in the treatment of oregano infusions is to observe a certain dosage and not to use such a drink for a long time. With the help of forest mint, you can eliminate sexual dysfunction and put male power in order. This is achieved by normalizing all metabolic processes in the patient's body, as well as in the organs of his reproductive sphere. This plant shows excellent results when used as an additional remedy in the treatment of alcoholism - it returns these patients to their former sexual activity.
Attention! A decoction of oregano herb is worth trying in case of impotence in a man. But its long-term use can have the opposite effect and cause sexual impotence, a decrease in libido. Therefore, in medicine, it is allowed to drink tea with oregano for influenza or SARS and only for a limited number of days.
What should be remembered when trying folk remedies?
Medicinal herbs are quite often used to increase potency, because they are much more useful than pharmaceutical tablets and capsules. But when using non-traditional methods of therapy, it is recommended to adhere to the following recommendations:
- The use of medicinal infusions and decoctions should always be agreed with your doctor. First, you need to undergo a full examination and find out the diagnosis of the disease, and then begin to treat it. In addition, your doctor can advise you on the most effective male potency herbal preparations and teas that are right for you. This rule applies especially to patients of the middle-aged and elderly group who, in addition to sexual dysfunction, also have a number of chronic and asymptomatic pathologies. In such a situation, the patient often has no idea that they have high blood pressure or a significant increase in blood clotting. And in the presence of such violations, taking many folk medicines is strictly prohibited.
- The use of herbs that increase male strength, simultaneously with the use of homeopathic medicines, is not recommended. These drugs are simply incompatible with some medicinal plants.
- Therapy with folk remedies is recommended to be carried out separately from drug treatment. The components of pharmaceutical drugs and the substances contained in herbal teas and decoctions do not interact well with each other. As a result, a man's health can be seriously affected. Only occasionally do specialists prescribe specially selected and proven treatment regimens, including the combined use of herbs and pharmacological agents.
- When using medicinal plants to enhance sexual activity, the use of alcoholic beverages is strictly prohibited. At the same time, it is advisable to normalize your diet by excluding fast food and other unhealthy foods from your menu.
- When using decoctions on herbs, it is imperative to take into account the dosage of the agent and not exceed it. If, after taking such a drug, the patient experiences pain or discomfort, it is necessary to stop using it.
Good to know! What herbs increase potency? In order to choose an effective plant, you need to rely on the sensations that you have when taking this remedy. Each organism is unique, so if some herbal tea is suitable for one patient, this does not mean that it will help another.
Herbal teas to strengthen the potency of men.
- Recipe number 1. A remedy based on mint, clover, hypericum and nettle will help to achieve a quick result in the treatment of impotence. For this purpose, take 2-3 tablespoons. spoons of each vegetable raw material and place them in a special container. Then the ingredients must be poured with 1 liter of boiling water and placed in a cool place for 1-2 hours. The cooled infusion is filtered and consumed orally 3-4 times a day in the amount of 1 cup.
- Recipe number 2. Helps to increase male strength and herbal collection, created from the following components: fenugreek seeds - 50 g, calamus root - 50 g, yarrow leaves - 100 g. Useful ingredients must be well ground in a meat grinder or blender to obtain a powdery mixture. To prepare the infusion, take no more than 3 tablespoons. tablespoons of dry raw materials, which are subsequently poured with 500 ml of boiled water. The remedy is infused for 1 hour. Take the drug up to three times a day, 250 ml.
- Recipe number 3. Strengthen men's health will help the collection of herbs, which are often used by the French to increase sexual activity. For its preparation the most popular plants are taken: rosemary (1 tablespoon), thyme (4 tablespoons), mint (2 tablespoons). All components are carefully ground, after which a homogeneous mixture of dry raw materials is obtained. Then boiling water is added to it in an amount of 200-250 ml. The tincture can be used when it has cooled. You can drink up to 3 glasses a day in the morning, afternoon and evening.
Important! Often the doctors themselves insist on the use of various drugs purchased at a pharmacy to increase potency. But in addition to drugs, there are many natural medicines that nature gives us - these are various herbs for men. Often, its systematic use is even more effective than the action of modern pills for impotence.
Choosing herbs to increase potency, it should be understood that the patient will not immediately receive the result of such therapy. In this situation, the quality of treatment is affected by the regularity of drug use and strict adherence to recommendations. It takes a lot of patience to complete the course of treatment. As a result, the man will definitely get a satisfactory result in the form of improved sexual function, which will please both parties.